
Team Building-What they thought of their day at London Zoo

John Curran - Tuesday, June 11, 2013

3. Did the trainer deliver the material well?

Yes really impressed

28/11/2011 15:02

Great trainer, motivated and entertaining to keep the day flowing well

28/11/2011 12:51


25/11/2011 16:10


25/11/2011 10:48


25/11/2011 10:45

yes, John's style encouraged a spirit of participation and created a nice form of competition

25/11/2011 10:18

Yes, liked the way the theory came out in the interesting tasks which we were all set.

24/11/2011 14:12


24/11/2011 13:13

Yes excellently.

24/11/2011 11:05

Yes very well, John was brilliant!

24/11/2011 10:17


24/11/2011 10:13

Very Well

24/11/2011 9:33

Very well. Clear, easy to understand, without being patronising.

23/11/2011 17:03

Yes, understandable and amusing

23/11/2011 16:51


23/11/2011 16:47

Very well! I thought he was brilliant!

23/11/2011 16:29

A vast improvement on Sharon, engaging and enthusiastic without liking the sound of his own voice!

23/11/2011 16:25


23/11/2011 16:24

Yes I thought he delivered it in a fun and informative way, he was a pleasure to listen to and kept everyone interested throughout.

23/11/2011 16:22


23/11/2011 16:19

Yes. Took a light hearted approach to deliver some important learning

23/11/2011 16:17


23/11/2011 16:16

Yes - very well

23/11/2011 16:16


23/11/2011 16:14

Yes. He made the day entertaining by being an entertainer himself, making jokes which made the day enjoyable and not boring.

23/11/2011 16:12

Yes, he was brilliant

23/11/2011 16:12


23/11/2011 16:11

Very well

23/11/2011 16:11


23/11/2011 16:08


23/11/2011 16:08

4. Was the venue appropriate for the event?

Yes, made it more enjoyable

28/11/2011 15:02

I enjoyed the complete change of scene

28/11/2011 12:51


25/11/2011 16:10


25/11/2011 10:48

Yes it is a very good venue.

25/11/2011 10:45

Yes, the venue made the day and helped create a high energy and social event.

25/11/2011 10:18

yes nice setting - food could have been better

24/11/2011 14:12


24/11/2011 13:13

Made a very nice change.

24/11/2011 11:05

Yes, a fantastic venue!

24/11/2011 10:17

Yes, great venue

24/11/2011 10:13


24/11/2011 9:33

Excellent venue - encouraged participation

23/11/2011 17:03


23/11/2011 16:51


23/11/2011 16:47

It was so much more fun than it has been in the past. It was nice not to be stuck in one room all day.

23/11/2011 16:29

Good to see some thought had gone into it.

23/11/2011 16:25


23/11/2011 16:24

Yes the venue was far more interesting than a drab office block somewhere. The actual room was spacious and suited the days activities. Previous venues have been a bit cramped for the activities the day has involved. The only downside is it was a bit warm.

23/11/2011 16:22


23/11/2011 16:19

Brilliant venue!

23/11/2011 16:17


23/11/2011 16:16

Yes - very good

23/11/2011 16:16


23/11/2011 16:14

Yep. Perfect venue. Was better than the other infinite day.

23/11/2011 16:12


23/11/2011 16:12


23/11/2011 16:11

Great venue, room to move and Zoo entertaining!

23/11/2011 16:11


23/11/2011 16:08


23/11/2011 16:08

6. Which parts were the least useful or enjoyable and why?

Were a few too many team building events

28/11/2011 15:02


25/11/2011 16:10

the trip, because it's such a long jounry to get to these sorts of things, always in central

25/11/2011 10:48

Filming adverting activity is the lease enjoyable for a quiet person.

25/11/2011 10:45

The travel is always tough for the ES staff, but given the overall experience well worth the time invested

25/11/2011 10:18


24/11/2011 13:13


24/11/2011 11:05

Enjoyed it all, could have been a bit more to do with finance.

24/11/2011 10:17

film making did not enjoy

24/11/2011 9:33

Whole day was good, there was nothing that stood out as being a waste if time

23/11/2011 17:03


23/11/2011 16:51

Making the film was fun

23/11/2011 16:47

I really can't think of any.

23/11/2011 16:29

In previous years you could be fairly critical of some of the activities but this year they were all enjoyable and interesting.

23/11/2011 16:22

the introduction lasted too long

23/11/2011 16:19

Enjoyed all of it

23/11/2011 16:16


23/11/2011 16:14

When the trainer was describing our preferences- communication styles. Only because i was a square and wanted to be a driver!

23/11/2011 16:12


23/11/2011 16:12

the team videoa because it seemed a lot to do in a short time

23/11/2011 16:11

I quite liked it all

23/11/2011 16:08

when we lost the building game on the table

23/11/2011 16:08

Would like to have seen how we can use the communication styles more within our direct team

28/11/2011 15:02


25/11/2011 16:10

Team work theory, behavior and activities.

25/11/2011 10:45

keep mixing it up, same format again would get stale and lose impact, so needs continual need ideas and perspectives.

25/11/2011 10:18


24/11/2011 13:13


24/11/2011 10:17

Same again!

23/11/2011 17:03

Maybe work in your own departments

23/11/2011 16:47

More like this please!!

23/11/2011 16:29

really well done compared to last few events, maybe a bit of breakfast wouldn't go a miss as most said they were hungry or a 9.30 start.

23/11/2011 16:25

Breakfast would have been nice - a couple of bacon rolls etc.

23/11/2011 16:24

It sounds trivial but breakfast would have been nice!

23/11/2011 16:22

keep going in this vein. this has been the only enjoyable one i've ever been to.

23/11/2011 16:19

Unusual venues and subtle learning through team activities

23/11/2011 16:17

Continue to do something different each year so the format does not become predictable

23/11/2011 16:16

Enjoy the psychological insight (e.g. personality types) and would like to hear about real life examples applying this in the business world.

23/11/2011 16:14

i feel they improved the venue this time round so no improvements needed there. I would only suggest keep in mind for more fun and enjoyable venues like the zoo!

23/11/2011 16:12

Something to snack on for breakfast like in the past years.

23/11/2011 16:12

this was the best infinite event so far. John made all the difference. less talking more action.

23/11/2011 16:11

More Amiables

23/11/2011 16:08

Need to get out side more..... fress air

23/11/2011 16:08

8. Are there any other comments you would like to add?

Thanks for organisng a fantastic day for us to enjoy.

25/11/2011 10:45

refreshing to spend more time in groups interacting rather than listening to analysis

25/11/2011 10:18


24/11/2011 13:13

John Curran was amazing!

24/11/2011 10:17

Best InFINite event to date

24/11/2011 10:13

It was the best of the ones I have attended

24/11/2011 9:33

Overall a very enjoyable & useful day.

23/11/2011 17:03

Thank you to everyone in the team who made the day so much fun!

23/11/2011 16:29

Best infinite so far

23/11/2011 16:16

A really good host and venue. The best Infinite day yet.

23/11/2011 16:14


23/11/2011 16:12

I liked the format of this year's event. There was a good balance between the activities & talking. I also liked that groups did different activities.

23/11/2011 16:12

I'd definitely be happy to attend another

23/11/2011 16:08